Our Approach - Team Chartering
Leveraging key elements from The Ken Blanchard Companies’ Team Charter process, this program guides the business leader and his/her direct reports through the collaborative development of a set of agreements that clearly state what the group wants to accomplish and how the team will work together and with other departments to achieve those results.
Business Impact
The Team Chartering program improves communications and operating efficiency within and among teams. The business results of Team Chartering include:
- Providing the structure and direction for teams to stay focused on a common result.
- Documenting agreements on how to accomplish the team’s purpose.
- Creating buy in and increasing commitment for accomplishing the work of the team.
- Promoting partnership and trust among team members.
- Developing a solid foundation for building a high-performing team.
Program Outcomes
Upon completion of this program, the Team Charter will include:
- Clear Vision, or picture of the ideal end result for the team that is directly aligned with business unit and company goals.
- Statement of the team’s Purpose, the work they do and why it is important.
- Set of governing Team Values and Norms the team will adopt as operational ground rules.
- Mutually agreeable definitions of internal and external customers as well as the deliverable and service expectations of each defined customer group.
- Clarification of team member roles and responsibilities necessary to achieve customer expectations as well as fulfill the Team’s Vision and Purpose.
- Mutually agreeable expectations with departments key to the team’s success.
- Communication strategies to be used within the team and across departments.
- A prioritized list of the major functional areas involved in accomplishing the team’s Purpose and the critical business goals for each of these key responsibility areas.
- Individual and team Impact Maps that capture the plans for the successful achievement of the critical goals outlined in the Team Charter.
Recommended Implementation Process
The program consists of a series of conveniently scheduled steps including working meetings with some training, pre and post work after each meeting, coaching, and interdepartmental collaboration.
- Vision
- Purpose
- Norms
- Accountability Strategies
- Communication Strategies
- Defining customers
- Customer expectations
- Mutual expectations
- Roles & Responsibilities
- Key responsibility area
- SMART Goals
- Resource Requirements
- Aligning Leader, Team, and organizational GSPs
- Finalizing SMART Goals
- Developing project plans for critical milestones

With other departments
- Mutual expectations between departments

With Team Leader:
- Functional area GSP using SMART Goals
With Team Members:
- Individual GSP using SMART Goals